

Asociación Dominicana de Empresas de Comunicación Comercial entrega premios La Vara

Santo Domingo. La Asociación Dominicana de Empresas de Comunicación Comercial -ADECC,  celebró la tercera entrega del Premio La Vara 2023, con el objetivo de...

“Mujeres con Propósito” se empoderan del desarrollo sostenible al conmemorar el 9no. aniversario de Revista Ritmo Económico

Santo Domingo. Los aportes de la mujer al desarrollo económico y sostenible de la República Dominicana fueron los temas centrales abordados en el encuentro...

Silicon Valley Stunned by the Fulminant Slashed Investments

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

The Next Wave of Superheroes Has Arrived with Astonishing Speed

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

Watch Awesome Kate Halle Go Full Wiming Pro in the Bahamas

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

The Weirdest Places Ashes Have Been Scattered in New Zeeland

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...

The Car Insurance Catch that can Double Your Cover in Two Months

I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively...